On behalf of the Wisconsin Dells Education Foundation I would like to take this opportunity to share with you our mission in creating life-changing opportunities for Wisconsin Dells High School graduates. There is nothing more important in these current times than to set up our future leaders for success. The building blocks begin with the strong curriculum at the High School level and continue to grow with College. Our mission is to provide guidance and a platform for graduating students as they pursue countless scholarship opportunities.
         Please take a moment to explore our website. In addition to the tools students can utilize there is information where you can become "Friends of the Foundation". We are reaching out to our Alumni and Friends to donate money through individual donations or estate planning. Be a part of tomorrow's future by supporting this great foundation today.

Randy Kuhnau
A Founding WDEF Board Member


The foundation was created with one simple driving force in mind, our love for our community. An ongoing effort to provide a lasting, sustainable benchmark for the kids of the Wisconsin Dells High School in the form of Scholarships. Each and every student should have an opportunity to pursue their dreams, for it is through hard work, dedication, and perseverance that all things are possible. The foundation was designed to help our youth bring their dreams and goals to reality.
— Todd Nelson, Owner of Kalahari Resorts
You can measure the fiber of a community by the education it is willing to give its youth. The ultimate vision of the Foundation is to create a large enough endowment in order to provide any WDHS graduate who desires to continue his/her education, with financial assistance. The Foundation, when fully funded, will provide scholarships for overall academic achievement as well as excellence in various fields of study.
— Tom Diehl, President, General Manager & Co-Owner of Tommy Bartlett, Inc.